DALAL STREET face INDIAN BENCHMARK wrapped up the week in the red zone reversing the gaining trend of previous week. The Sensex lost 33.26 points, while the Nifty fell 0.20 points for the week ended July 22, 2016.
GLOBAL MARKET chase ASIAN STOCKS ended in red as dwindling optimism over global stimulus hit Asian stocks hard on Friday as Bank of Japan chief Haruhiko Kuroda dashed hopes for so-called helicopter money, while ECB President Mario Draghi said that the central bank won’t add stimulus for now even as he warned of economic risks, dimming risk taking appetite. U.S. STOCKS futures poised for a lower opening at the Wall Street on Friday. EUROPEAN STOCKS markets slipped on Friday, weighed down by falls in mining companies and Swedish construction group Skanska.
Week ahead Next batch of Q1 June 2016 corporate results, the progress of the monsoon rains, trend in global financial markets and outcome of monetary policy review from central banks in the US and Japan will dictate near term trend on the bourses. The market may remain volatile as traders roll over positions in the futures & options (F&O) segment from the near month July 2016 series to August 2016 series. The near month July 2016 F&O contracts are set to expire on July 28, 2016. A number of prominent companies are scheduled to announce their Q1 June 2016 results in the last week of July 2016. Maruti Suzuki India, Zee Entertainment Enterprises, Bharti Infratel and Dr Reddy's Laboratories are scheduled to unveil Q1 results on July 26, 2016.On the global front, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is widely expected to keep the benchmark fed funds rates unchanged after the conclusion of two-day monetary policy meeting on 26-27 July 2016. Market participant will scrutinize the Fed statement to gauge the outlook on US monetary policy. The Fed has kept the benchmark fed funds rate unchanged after raising it for the first time in nearly a decade in December 2015.The Japan's central bank Bank of Japan (BOJ) undertakes monetary policy review on 28-29 July 2016. Market expectations of aggressive monetary easing from the BOJ have receded after comments by BOJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda. In an interview to a British radio station taped in mid-June and broadcast on July 21, 2016, Kuroda has ruled out the idea of using helicopter money -- or directly underwriting the budget deficit -- to combat deflation.
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